On a day when the city reported 85 fresh Covid cases, the lowest since May 1, 2020, the Delhi government on Saturday announced that gyms and yoga centres would be allowed to open with 50% capacity from today and weddings would be permitted in banquet halls and hotels with maximum 50 people.
The government had banned weddings in public places, banquet halls and hotels during the peak of the second wave. It had allowed weddings only in courts or at home with a cap of 20 people.
Around two months after the second wave hit the capital, infecting around 28,359 people on a single day on April 20, cases have seen a drastic decline. The positivity rate has fallen to 0.12%, one of the lowest since the pandemic broke out in the capital.
Capital to open up more, but no relief for cinemas, schools yet
Delhi has permitted various economic activities in a phased manner since May 31 after reviewing the impact of the lockdown on the Covid-19 management.
At present, the activities that are allowed include manufacturing and construction work with conditions, bars with 50% seating capacity from 12 noon to 10pm; public parks, gardens, golf clubs, outdoor yoga activities, shops, malls, markets and shopping complexes from 10am to 8pm; restaurants with 50% seating capacity from 8am to 10pm; liquor shops, private offices with maximum 50% staff from 9am to 5pm. Government offices and emergency services and movement of individuals for funeral-related gatherings for up to 20 people are also allowed. Autos, erickshaws, cabs, taxis, gramin seva can carry two passengers, maxi cabs five and RTVs11.
Educational institutions, cinemas and theatres, banquet halls (except for weddings), spas, auditoriums/ assembly halls, business-tobusiness exhibitions, swimming pools, stadia and sports complexes and amusement parks are still closed.
Delhi Disaster Management Authority concluded that despite significant improvement, caution and care need to be maintained for effective Covid-19 management. It has extended the lockdown till 5am on July 5, during which all prohibited activities are banned. DDMA has asked authorities to supervise the functioning of markets, market complexes, malls, restaurants and bars. All stakeholders like market associations have been asked to ensure strict compliance with Covid-19 protocols.
The government has permitted one weekly market a day per zone (with maximum 50% vendors); transportation by Delhi Metro is capped at 50% of the seating capacity of a coach and no standing passenger is allowed. There are caps on the sitting capacity in public transport as well.
DDMA clarified that owners of banquet/marriage halls and hotels would be responsible for ensuring strict compliance of Covid-appropriate behaviour. “In case, any violation is found, strict penal/criminal action shall be taken against the owner of the premises as well as against the individual and the premises shall be sealed,” the order stated. Owners of gyms and yoga institutes will have to ensure Covidappropriate behaviour.
There is no restriction on inter/intra-state movement of people and goods and no separate permission, or an e-pass, will be required for such movements. No activities will be allowed in containment zones.
Chirag Sethi of Delhi Gym Association said the order came as a relief for 5,500 gym owners and 1 lakh people dependent on them for their livelihood. “We will adhere to all SOPs,” Sethi said.
Since the lean marriage season is on, operators of banquet halls are happy about 50% operations for now. They say if the situation remains under control, the next marriage season won’t be affected.
Kapil Nagpal, president of community welfare and banquet association (west zone), said, “If the number remains low till October, the government should allow full occupancy. We are grateful that 50% occupancy has been allowed.”

Surjitt Sahani