Shocking Truth About Mumbai’s Garbage : BMC Assistance required.


By Siddiqah Shaikh

Just a few days ago, ‘Mumbai Messenger’ the weekly newspaper had covered an instance where, there was garbage under a board warning citizens on not littering.

After the news had aired, the area was cleaned by The BMC meticulously within the span of a day. The BMC never fails to do a great job.
And just within a week, the same area was filled with twice the amount of garbage.
By hearing this, we directly have it in our minds to blame the citizens for this scene.
But we need to fore-seek that the citizens here are helpless.

With no perfect place assigned for dumping of garbage by the BMC,
people usually covertly dump on empty lots and areas they find sufficient for the garbage; even after they are fined with penalties.

Our root cause of this act by the citizen’s portrays, the assistance needed by the BMC (Bombay Municipal Cooperation).

The Citizens need is for assigned garbage grounds where throwing garbage will not cause them fined penalties.

The BMC (Bombay Municipal Corporation)
can solve this problem with the disclosing of perfect and precise allocation of dumping grounds or garbage bins in every known area.
Only then, we must have clean areas and responsible citizens treating their city like their home.

With Landfill sites near every known area, people will themselves keep their locality clean and not secretly throw on areas not assigned as landfills.

The BMC can improvise this condition easily by the high power it holds.
It must take Immediate Effective action for the sake of our better future.

Siddiqah Shaikh

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