Indian Coast Guard Gifts Spare Parts to Sri Lanka Coast Guard: Valued worth USD 1.2 million


By Mewati Sitaram

In a goodwill gesture Indian Coast Guard (ICG) Ship Sachet, reached Colombo on June 19, 2024 for two days’ visit. It brought essential spare parts worth USD 1.2 million on gratis for Sri Lanka Coast Guard (SLCG) Ship Suraksha. Deputy Inspector General R Rajesh Nambiraj, the Commanding Officer of the ICG Ship on arrival, called on the Commander Western Naval Area Rear Admiral TSK Perera and the Director General SLCG Rear Admiral Pujitha Vilthana.

The ICG Ship, in a ceremony, formally handed over the spare parts to the SLCG Suraksha. It was graced by the Indian High Commissioner H.E. Santosh Jha, Secretary of Defence of Sri Lanka Gen Kamal Gunaratne (Retd), Commander of the Navy Vice Admiral Priyantha Perera, Commander Western Naval Area Rear Admiral TSK Perera, Director General of Sri Lanka Coast Guard Rear Admiral Pujitha Vithana as well as senior officers from Sri Lanka Coast Guard and Navy. The ship departed on 21 June 2024.

SLCGS Suraksha is an Offshore Patrol Vessel donated to SL by Government of India in October 2017. India also donated spare parts earlier in June 2021 and April 2022. It also provided assistance in refilling Halon cylinders in January 2024. Handing over of the large consignment of spares symbolizes India’s commitment to support capability building towards addressing the shared challenges of Maritime Security in the region.

It may be recalled that earlier this year Indian Coast Guard Ships Samarth and Abhinav had visited Galle and Colombo from 27 February – 05 March 2024. Visits by Indian Navy and Coast Guard vessels to Sri Lanka aim to consolidate camaraderie and interoperability between the two Navies and Coast Guards, in keeping with India’s SAGAR (Security and Growth for All in the Region) doctrine and ‘Neighbourhood First’ policy.

Editor in Chief : Mewati SItaram

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