The Mumbai Traffic Police has issued a notification making it mandatory for pillion riders to wear a helmet. The rule will be implemented in 15 days from May 25.
The city traffic police observed that most riders don’t wear helmets, or don’t get their pillion rider to wear one. It has, thus, made it compulsory for a two-wheeler rider as well as the pillion passenger to wear a helmet. The Mumbai Traffic Police currently fines a two-wheeler rider without helmet Rs 500, or suspends their licence. Violation of helmets for both riders will also attract a similar penalty.
It should be noted that while the rule requiring both rider and pillion to wear a helmet has been on paper for a quite a while, it is only now that it is being enforced strictly.
Pillion riders are equally at risk of sustaining grievous injuries in a two-wheeler accident. Hence, it is imperative that not only the rider but the pillion wears a helmet.

Surjitt Sahani