Uddhav Thackeray was born to be the Chief Minister of Maharashtra truly a leader who knows how to lead people of Maharashtra on the right path. Intelligence and soft heart he has it all. As soon as he took the oath he set right in to work for the people. He won all our hearts by withdrawing cases against the Aarey protestors. And then for the welfare of the poor farmers and villagers he even promised to review the Ahmedabad Mumbai bullet train project in which their lands were going to be acquired. He may even junk the bullet train project as he thinks it’s only gonna benefit the upper middle class people and not the rural and poor population of Gujarat and Maharashtra. Now he’s planning to even build a world class aquarium in Mumbai to increase the tourist attraction and this creating business for everyone.He truly proved that his government is of the people by the people and for the people. A born leader of Maharashtra
Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray a born leader of Maharashtra

Pic Credit Facebook.com/UddhavjiThackeray