Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday took a slew of measures to augment the availability of medical professionals for COVID-19 management, including the deployment of medical interns and MBBS doctors seeking higher education in duty, and decided to give preference in government jobs to those healthcare workers who have given or shall give at least 100 days of service for COVID treatment.
“The individuals providing services in COVID management will be given priority in forthcoming regular government recruitments after they complete a minimum of 100 days of covid duty,” the Union government said.
“It was also decided to allow deployment of medical interns in covid management duties under the supervision of their faculty, as part of the internship rotation. The services of final year MBBS students can be utilized for providing services such as teleconsultation and monitoring of mild covid cases after due orientation by and under the supervision of faculty,” the PMO said.
The PMO said the decisions were taken after a review meeting called by the PM and hoped that it will “reduce the workload on existing doctors engaged in covid duty.”

Surjitt Sahani