Speculations are rife that the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) may postpone the class 12 board exam 2021 amid an exponential surge in COVId-19 cases.
The Board will, however, take a final call on postponing and conducting the class 12 exams after reviewing the coronavirus situation in June.
A CBSE official, while speaking to a leading portal indicated that if the situation worsens, the CBSE may follow the assessment plan of class 10, but it’s too early to say.
“If the exams could not be conducted in July, then we cannot further delay conducting the exam. As the entire exam process takes more than a month including evaluation of copies and result declaration. If suppose the result be declared by the end of August, how will the students take admission in varsities, higher education institutions”, a news channel quoted the official as saying.
“There has never been a situation like this for most of the people of the world. This is a worldwide pandemic and the situation India is in, cannot be ignored. We can hope for things to improve but by when? No one can truly tell. Given the circumstances, how far into the year do we continue to postpone the exams?” a news agency quoted a retired teacher as saying.
On the other hand, there are reports that the examinations may be held after July. Considering the current situation of the pandemic across the country, it is being said that the Class 12 board examinations can only be held after July.

Surjitt Sahani