In a unique concept Indonesia’s Consulate General in Mumbai with the Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat Palace held a virtual puppet show namely “Gana Kalajaya” or Bathara Ganesha. The virtual show took place on Saturday, September 25, 2021. The aim of this show was to promote Indonesian tourism in India and the world.
The Gana Kalajaya performance was witnessed by more than 20,000 viewers from India, Indonesia and across the globe through Zoom and YouTube channels. It was supported by the Indonesian Embassy in New Delhi and the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The performance began with a typical Keraton dance, Bedaya Sang Amurwa Bumi, followed by remarks from the Indonesian Consul General in Mumbai His Excellency Agus Prihatin Saptono and Guests of Honor Aditya Thackeray, the Minister of Tourism, Environment and Protocol of government of Maharashtra. The event was opened by Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X by presenting a virtual performance of Wayang Orang “Gana Kalajaya”.
His Excellency Agus Prihatin Saptono Indonesian Consul General in Mumbai speaking virtually with Mumbai Messenger Newspaper Editor in Chief Mewati Sitaram said “The virtual show collaboration was an ongoing effort to promote Indonesian tourism to the people of India and the world, which this time raised Yogyakarta’s tourism potential as a destination, excellence beyond Bali, at the same time highlighting the similarities and uniqueness of the cultural heritage of both the countries which existed from ancient times”.
CG adds “This activity is also intended to encourage art, culture and art organizers who have been forced to stop their activities for the past two years as a result of the multidimensional impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. All parties are trying to adapt to these conditions while continuing to mitigate the spread of the COVID-19 virus”.

Indonesian Consul General in Mumbai H.E. Agus Prihatin Saptono
CG further added “Last year we have organised two well-known virtual shows namely Ramayana and Mahabharta. These shows were viewd by millions of spectators in India, Indonesia and other part of the world. The Wayang Orang “Gana Kalajaya” is a special creation of Ngarso Dalem Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X, Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat Palace, specifically to be shown in the month of September along with the month of Ganesh Chaturthi celebrations in India, especially in the Maharashtra region. We will ensure that similar shows are conducted in future too, till Corona virus subsided all over the world”.
Aaditya Thackeray – Minister of Tourism, Environment and Protocol of Government of Maharashtra in his speech expressed his joy with the initiative of the Indonesian Consul General in Mumbai to create an interesting show, not only showing the close cultural relationship between India and Indonesia, but also highlighting stories that have caught the attention of the Indian community, Gana – Kalajaya, which tells the story of Lord Ganesha. He also hopes to collaborate in the future too, on similar activities and hopes that tourist visits can increase in both countries.
Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X is the Sultan of the historic Yogyakarta Sultanate in Indonesia, and is currently also the Governor of the modern Yogyakarta Special Region in his speech said “The event reminded him of the celebration of six decades of diplomatic relations between Indonesia and India which was held in Yogyakarta in November 2011 with activities to build cultural dialogue between nations around the equator in partnership with India”.
It may be noted that The Wayang Orang Gana Kalajaya is Adiluhung’s work based on Javanese cultural figures and arts that are influenced by India. The similarities between Indonesian and Indian cultures, although there are similarities in style and stories, always have differences because they adapt to the social and cultural conditions of their respective communities.
Through the virtual performance of the Wayang Orang “Bathara Gana Kalajaya” it is hoped that it will further strengthen relations between Indonesia and India, as well as improve people-to-people contact and Indian tourist visits to Indonesia in future.

Editor in Chief : Mewati SItaram