Elevating Bilateral Relations: An Interview with the Indonesian Consul General in Mumbai


Indonesian Consul General H.E. Eddy Wardoyo (Photo: Mewati Sitaram)

Plan to launch a list of restaurants who sell Indonesian dishes on their menu next year

By Mewati Sitaram

In this insightful interview, His Excellency Eddy Wardoyo Consul General of the Republic of Indonesia in Mumbai shares his vision and strategic approach to strengthening bilateral relations between Indonesia and India. This interview offers a comprehensive glimpse into the proactive efforts undertaken to enhance the relationship between these two significant nations, in Conversation with Senior Mewati Sitaram at his plush Consulate office in South Mumbai.
His Excellency Eddy Wardoyo, newly appointed Consul General of the Republic of Indonesia in Mumbai has vast plans for further enhancing bilateral ties with India. In a personal interview with me at Consulate office in plush South Mumbai, Consul General highlighted various plans in his tenure. What do you see as the primary objectives and priorities of your tenure as Consul General in Mumbai? Are there any specific initiatives or areas of focus that you plan to emphasize during your term? I am very happy to join as Consul General of Indonesia in Mumbai, a city which never sleep. Here, as a CG of Mumbai, my primary objectives include Promoting Indonesia-India trade, investment and Tourism, enhancing cultural and educational ties. My objective also involves providing consular services to Indonesian citizens.The India-Indonesia relationship has a rich history. How do you envision strengthening and enhancing bilateral ties between the two countries during your tenure? Are there specific sectors or industries you aim to promote?
Indeed, India-Indonesia relationship has a rich history. We need to remind both countries about the historical aspect of our relations, since ancient times until the period of struggle for both our nations’ independence, until today. Our close history does not mean we can let the cooperation happen automatically. So, throughout my tenure I believe we should find new ways to optimize the synergy between our two large countries such as renewable energy, agriculture and tourism. We have specific sectors to promote like non-traditional segments of investment such as the Bamboo Industry and the Oil Palm Plantation Industry. We are keen to promote Indonesian Culinary Treasures under the “Indonesia Spice Up the World” global campaign and
raising awareness of other Tourism Destinations in Indonesia “Beyond Bali” Trade and economic cooperation are crucial aspects of the India-

Indonesia relationship. Can you elaborate on the current state of trade relations and any plans or strategies to further boost economic ties between the two nations?
Strategies to boost economic ties may involve exploring new trade opportunities,addressing trade barriers, and fostering business partnerships. Right now, the list of Emerging Sectors of both countries are Medicine, Indonesia to import Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) from India such as Remdesivir, Favipiravir, Molnopiravir, Yydroxychloroquine. India holds potential opportunities in the sectors of medicine, health, hospitals, medicine kits as well as vaccines. We look forward in Digital Innovations so to enhancing digital transformation in Indonesia through incubators. Energy Transition, Solar Panel and Wind Power (to Green Energy). Other Potential Sectors includes Palm Oil and Textiles (Indonesia exports polyester fabric,
Indonesia imports cotton, and approximately 57% of Indonesia’s textile machinery is imported from India.)


Tourism and cultural exchange play a vital role in enhancing people-to-people ties. What steps do you plan to take to promote cultural exchange and tourism between Indonesia and India?

Cultural exchange and tourism promotion can involve organizing cultural events, festivals and exhibitions to showcase Indonesia’s rich heritage and traditions in Mumbai and Southern India. We will do extensive marketing of Indonesia’s tourist destinations. We are looking for specific Indian tastes, helping Indians to get there, such as with which flights and live aboard yachts are available for travellers who wish to go to the Komodo Islands. Indonesia, especially Bali, has also been known as the best Wedding destination, and this is the type of information that is important for me to promote. We also have an online program where anyone can register to learn Bahasa Indonesia, our national language, that is free and convenient and taught by instructors from the Indonesian Ministry of Education who are experienced at teaching Indonesian for foreigners.


Indonesia is known for its diverse culture and traditions. Are there anyplans to celebrate and share Indonesian culture and heritage with the people of Mumbai during your tenure?

We are planning bazaars where the public can see up close the dances and music that make Indonesian culture very vibrant and also making our culinary treasures available at affordable prices. We are also open to school children and even university students who wish to visit the Consulate to get to know more about Indonesia and learn about our shared past and similar cultures. We also plan tolaunch next year a list of restaurants who sell Indonesian dishes on their menu, and then rank them based on how authentic they are to the Indonesian version. These initiatives can help raise awareness and appreciation of Indonesia’s diverse culture.


6. Indian tourists love to visit Indonesia but there is no direct flight from Mumbai to various destination?

Yes, Indonesia is one of the favourite tourist destinations for Indians. Indigo has introduced direct flight from New Delhi to Jakarta recently. We are in talks with many airlines to launch direct flights from different destinations from India, which would be convenient to fly to Indonesia. Garuda, our national career Garuda which was operating from India few years ago, we are in talks of them to relaunch their flights from here. We are optimistic that soon, it would fly into Indian cities. Indonesia and India share common interests and concerns in various international forums. Can you highlight Indonesia's priorities in regional and global diplomacy and how these align with India’s interests Indonesia and India are both active globally and in their regional spheres of diplomacy, through participation in forums like the G20, the United Nations, and the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN). Recently India finished their successful presidency of the G20, which was handed over from Indonesia in November of 2022. We are both champions of being non-aligned among nations, plus now we are like-minded countries cooperating on issues such as climate change, counter-terrorism, maritime security, protection of coral reefs, and sustainable development.

Editor in Chief : Mewati SItaram

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