PM Modi visited the Shri Siddhaganga Mutt in Karnataka and laid a foundation stone for memorial museum of Shri Shri Shivakumar Swamiji. He said he was very happy to start the new year with such a pure place and later tweeted the following :
India has entered the third decade of the 21st century with new energy and enthusiasm.
This third decade of 21st century has started with a strong foundation of expectations and aspirations.
Congress and its allies taking out rallies against those persecuted in Pakistan.
He even inaugurated the 107th Indian Science Congress (ISC) today at University of Agricultural Sciences, Bengaluru. During the speech he gave there he emphasised the need of technology by New India saying that “New India needs technology and also a logical temperament, so that we can give a new direction to our social and economic sectors. Now the developments in information and communication technology are able to provide cheaper smart phones & cheaper data and that has made it accessible to everyone in the country, where as it was seen as a privilege of the few earlier. This made the common man now believe that he is not distantly separated from the Government. Now he can directly connect with the Government and make his voice heard” He placed importance on Digitalisation, E Commerce, Internet Banking and Mobile Banking services are assisting rural population significantly. He said Technology can be harnessed for several rural development initiatives, particularly in the area of cost effective Agriculture and Farm to Consumer supply chain network. He even said that science and technology will be the sector which will contribute towards making India a 5 trillion economy. At the same occasion he launched the I-STEM portal.

surjitt sahani