“Enemy is coronavirus, not China”. Written by Tang Guocai
Currently, the COVID-19 pandemic is spreading all over the world. Facing this unprecedented public health crisis, each and every country in the world should work together. However, some Western politicians are taking the lead in a new wave of China bashing, spinning conspiracy theories varying from “Chinese Virus” to “Chinese Problem”, or “Chinese Responsibility”, even “Chinese Threat”. These assertions are very arrogant and fierce, but if you take a closer look, they all wear the same stereotype of discrimination against China in history. It is a 300 year culture trying to tarnish a 5,000 year civilization.
Four types of pandemic farce:
Firstly, they call Covid-19 the “Chinese Virus”, which easily reminds us of the notorious cliché of “sick man in East Asia” a century ago, pure racial discrimination. We must listen to the World Health Organization (WHO) and the scientific community and disregard the yarns spun by some western politicians.
Secondly, they call it the “Chinese Problem”, i.e. China didn`t handle the crisis well, or Chinese medical products are problematic. It is fair to say that facing an unknown enemy, what China has accomplished within a month, namely: informing WHO of the epidemic, sharing the whole genome sequence of the novel coronavirus, implementing an effective lockdown of Mega city Wuhan, and no other country can do better. In the fight against the pandemic, about half of the world’s medical supplies come from China. China’s important role as the “Global Anti-Pandemic Factory” is well known and reliable.
Thirdly, they refer to the so called “Chinese Responsibility” and threaten to bring lawsuits and huge claims against China. This is typical political blackmail. It must be pointed out that attempt to use legal means to seek political ends lack basic common sense of jurisprudence.
Fourthly, they always lead to the so-called “China Threat”, which claims that China will soon surpass the United States and rule the world through the pandemic. Instead of taking the fight against a common enemy, some western politicians are trying to link the pandemic with their election, or geographical political or economic gains. The world goes on its own path after the Pandemic. Perhaps some people are even secretly betting on a “China Collapse Theory”, but again that is wishful thinking, llaughable and sad.
Colonial Prejudice, Self Media Amplification:
Equality and mutual respect are the basic norms of international relations. But colonial hangover still very much active in many people`s mind, and they just cannot look at China`s rise on an equal footing. China has now effectively controlled the epidemic, and its economy and social life are back to normal. Some Western countries could not accept the facts and are full of anxieties that China will be the “Winner” after the epidemic. So, politicians and media are working hard to shame China. Those baseless clichés attacking China are typically the “Old Wine” of colonial thoughts in a “New Bottle”, no different from the notice boards affixed in the old days that “Chinese and Dogs are Not Allowed to Enter”.
As a matter of fact, there is no winner in the epidemic. China is also a victim of the epidemic. China suffered the first attacking wave, made huge sacrifices to contain the epidemic, and won precious time for the global anti-epidemic war. It should be treated fairly rather than blamed. The bottom line here is, the “Enemy is Coronavirus” not China. Rather China is a reliable partner in fighting the epidemic.
Frankly speaking, we live in a world dominated by western media business. According to statistics of the International Monetary Fund, the US Dollar accounts for around 40% of the international reserve currency, and the Euro accounts for more than 30%. As far as media are concerned, Westerners certainly have a “Loudspeaker”, while the voices of China and India get lost in this cacophony. Especially in today’s “All Media World”, the extreme impact of new media is so intense and ridiculous, that you can simply run a country through tweets. The dangers of fake news and malicious stigmatization are much more than ever before.
China and India, Returning to Humanity:
Faced with the epidemic, the buzzwords I heard in India and China are naturally similar, “Go Home” or “Return to the Native”, because deep down we know the basics of humanity better, a community with shared future. In this regard, China and India could jointly lead the civilizational approach, to cure the global village which might get lost through excessive industrialization.
Both China and India are great civilizations with a long history. Peace and tolerance is the core of our philosophy. Chinese philosophy advocates “The Unity of Man and Nature”, while the ancient Indian philosophy and Gandhi’s idea of peaceful coexistence with nature speak the same. As a Chinese saying goes, “Do not impose on others, what you yourself do not desire”. China has never colonized any other country; rather it always works hard for the benefit of its citizens and global wellbeing.
China and India are promoting our cooperation in fighting COVID-19. Central and local Governments as well as business community of our 2 countries are joining hands and moving ahead. Mumbai is playing a crucial role in the bilateral air corridor of medical supplies; especially the “Green Channel” of Indian cargo flights from China to India–the first time in history–is initiated in Mumbai. Besides being the economic and financial center of India, Mumbai is also a big hub for media and cultural industry, from which China could learn a lot. Now with some western political figures using COVID-19 to slander China, the Chinese people’s anger is understandably on the rise. China and India should further promote media cooperation to ensure that our views get across to different corners of the world. The renaissance of Asian civilization represented by China and India and the rise of developing countries are unstoppable. Any provocation cannot change this historical trend.
The author is Consul – General of the People’s Republic of China in Mumbai.

Editor in Chief : Mewati SItaram