The hospitality industry, which had slowly started crawling back to normalcy after last year’s lockdown, has suffered yet another setback as their businesses have been stalled again by the night curfew, which is as good as a lockdown as the bulk of their business starts only after 8 pm.
The closing time and the annual liquor licence fee has become a main point of contention for hoteliers.
President of Indian Hotel and Restaurant Association (AHAR) Shivanand Shetty said, “The 8 pm-7 am time restriction is a lockdown for restaurants. We have been adhering to stringent SOPs and supporting the administration but this latest move came without consulting the industry and also at the wrong time. No proven research says that COVID is more contagious during the night or that restaurants are culprits.”
The annual state excise licence for bars and restaurants ended on March 31. Though the state government has extended the deadline to renew the licence by 10 days, most hoteliers are unwilling to renew it until the government reworks the closing time.
“On average, one bar and restaurant has to pay an annual liquor licence fee of ₹6 lakh. Our business starts only at night after 8 pm. Why should we pay the fees if we have to close at 8 pm?” said Prakash Hegde, president, Vasai Taluka Hotel Association.

Surjitt Sahani