Sneha Purushottam Chaudhari, a normal working teenager left her house for work at 8:30am and came back 6pm everyday.
Expecting today was the same, On June 10, 2024, she left at 8:30 to go at her pharmaceutical job ‘AVEO’ Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd. ;
Mid way she got a ride from her companion Sumit Tandel (everyday).
With an unanticipated shift during the ride; a quarrel between the two led to Sneha suffering alternate events of physical abuse, and finally a violently murderous death.
Starting around 9, a dissension about infidelity started by the ‘blamed Sumeet Tandel (21)’ led him to murder Sneha through Asphyxiation just out of suspicion.
These series of events started with a conversational disagreement between the two on their way to Sneha’s work.
Sumeet amidst of the disagreement stopped his bike at a nearby village and started physically abusing her. Some villagers at the same destination of the scene reported that the boy was too violent with her and the whole scene seemed unusual to them.
While running to check if everything was okay, they reported that the boy deliberately picked up a massive rock and threw it towards her head leading to an ample amount of bleeding which contributed to the villagers taking a photo of this scene and sharing it to all other villagers nearby and neighbouring.
Realising the situation had turned hectic, Sumeet Tandel flew the scene with Sneha Purushottam Chaudhari under the pretext of taking her to the hospital.
But instead he took her to a nearby, desolated thorny marsh where he started victimising her by physical abuse of beating, snatching her bag, ripping it, destroying her Tiffin box and the food in it and damaged all other objects in the bag.
(All objects were found nearby the crime scene except her phone and her gold chain)

Culprit Sumeet Tandel
Sumeet notwithstanding Sneha’s severely swollen, bleeding head, tried choking her neck twice to deprive her of air; as he failed to choke her to a worsened condition, he deliberately asphyxiated her in a nearby dirty waterbody where Sneha lost her breath and was led to a disturbing death by Culprit Sumeet.
In a State of Panic and Dizziness due to Head Bleeding and Swell, Sneha went through more ample amounts of torture and hatred by offender Sumeet.
After a copious amount of unanswered calls by several of Sneha’s family members; which made them intuitive of believing something was wrong as it was unusual for her to not pick up calls.
They began searching for her at 11.
Due to forwarding of the disturbing photo of the two taken by the villagers, right around 11:30 it had reached Sneha’s family members. They immediately identified her by her Red Kurta and Black Bag and spread the news amongst all villagers for a search for their teenager.
Just a few miles away from the location where the photo was taken, her body was discovered by a village resident in a very bad condition.
The family members were informed along with the Boisar Police and her body was untouched until the Boisar Police had arrived.
The accused Sumeet Tandel was reported to go home after killing Sneha .
In a very normal state he told his parents he had killed her and took a bath following cleaning his bloodstained clothes.
He later left his house and took refuge in a nearby village where he was found by the Boisar Police.
He was charged with Section 302 IPC and Section 201 IPC and proved guilty for his actions by the Palghar Court.
The boy Sumeet was described to have a bad reputation amongst residents in his area; he was later revealed to mentally and physically abuse Sneha along with being controlling and asking her for screenshots of what she was doing every five minutes.
Sneha was blackmailed and abused on several accounts out of his suspicions of her cheating on him. Sumeet’s parents were aware of his abusive behaviour, there were instances where he had hit her in front of them. Sumeet was known to have an angry personality.
Sources also suggest that Snehas family members had found out about her relations with Sumeet around 2 months ago and converted to her his bad reputation and strangeness.
Sneha’s Family Members ask for ‘Justice For Sneha’ and stricter action imposed on the accused Sumeet Tandel. They include being not happy with the punishment imposed on Sumeet as he had unsympathetically killed her without showing any regret.
Local Public also states that the offender isn’t punished as much as Sneha suffered and believe if the punishment given to him is enough. They hope that every remorseless killer must get punished with much more remorse, including Sumeet.
A candle march was initiated on 16 June, 2024 by all concerned residents of Murbe Village(and more) to support Snehas Soul; A 19 year old victim.
“No fight recognises the need of violence;
the accused Sumeet Tandel must be punished to death for his doings” Says a Villager.
All We Ask For Now Is.

Siddiqah Shaikh