Today marks the birth anniversary of India’s very first female teacher Savitribai Phule. Even after decades of her passing away she still continues to inspire women all around the world in a number of ways. She is regarded as the mother of feminism in India. Worked hard to abolish the caste system in India. Now she’s honoured all around the world for her good deeds. In 2015, the University of Pune was renamed as Savitribai Phule Pune University in her honour
On 10 March 1998 a stamp was released by India Post in honour of Phule. On 3 rdJanuary 2017, Google marked the 188th anniversary of the birth of Savitribai Phule with a Google doodle. Savitribai Phule was also a an author and poet. She published a number of poetries which include Kavya Phule in 1854 and Bavan Kashi Subodh Ratnakar in 1892, and also a poem entitled “Go, Get Education” in which she encouraged those who are oppressed to free themselves by obtaining an education. As a result of her experience and work, she became a feminist. She established the Mahila Seva Mandal to raise awareness for issues concerning women’s rights. Savitribai Phule proved in a time like that what a women needs to be and do in order to be free from restrictions and pursue their dreams. She truly taught every women and still does how to break barriers and do what we truly love by not adhering to the society rules

surjitt sahani